Universität Hohenheim – Germany

2 x Indoor Hydrocabs® (8 x Enapter Electrolysers, 2 x Enapter Dryer, 1 x Enapter WTM, 1x WPS)


Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany

What was installed?

2 x Indoor HydroCabs® (8 x Enapter Electrolysers, 2 x Enapter Dryer, 1 x Enapter WTM, 1 x WPS)

Where was it installed?

University Hohenheim

The Client:
The University of Hohenheim is an innovative and research-intensive university in the south of Stuttgart with students from around 100 nations and more than 2,000 employees. Generously equipped research facilities, a baroque castle and extensive parks characterize the campus. Modern teaching and cutting-edge research are combined in innovative subjects in the natural sciences, agricultural sciences and economics, and social sciences.

The Task:

Crafting a tender for a pioneering pilot plant, focusing on alternative fuel production from biomethane. Our innovative approach involves converting hydrogen with carbon dioxide to methane in a methanation reactor. Hydrogen, generated via an Enapter electrolyser, is stored temporarily in a Type IV hydrogen tank to ensure smooth operations.


Image Source: Uni Hohenheim


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