Egat Learning Center -Thailand

3 x IndoorCabs® (10 x Enapter Electrolysers, 3 x Fuel Cell, 2 x Enapter Dryer, 1 x Enapter WTM)



What was installed?

3 x IndoorCabs® (10 x Enapter Electrolysers, 3 x Fuel Cell, 2 x Enapter Dryer, 1 x EnapterWTM)

Where was it installed?

EGAT Learning Center Thailand


EGAT Learning Center was established to provide knowledge and experience in power generation. To become a Trust & Pride of the nation, as well as a source of energy learning in Thailand and the world from the past, present, and future. It is also a learning resource for energy-efficient buildings and international standards that aim to achieve maximum benefits for society.

At the EGAT Learning Centre in Thailand, our partner and electrolyser supplier Enapter worked with Egat on a demonstration project and we brought the components together by installing 3 Indoor HydroCabs®. This is a school and research centre where the subject of hydrogen can be explained to interested people.


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